Uche Jombo


Ecow Smith Asante
Princess Loveline Nwosu

Charles I Dean
Mr. Derrick
Breaking it down!
Uche Jombo:
What can i say, other than amazing? She played her character to the T. I loved every second that i watched her acting. She is real, convincing, and great.
She played the hard headed lady and also the sweet lady that believed in love. It can be hard for actors to switch characters personalities...but not for Uche. For her amazing acting, i give her 4 out of 5 Stars.
Kalu Ikeagwu:
I like watching Kalu. He is a good actor and is progressing. He played his character well and i loved every moment of it. he could, however, have played it better. For this, i give him a 3.5 out of 5 Stars.
Ecow Smith Asante:
I do not watch a lot of his movies due to the way he acts, but he completely blew me out on this one. His acting had me glued. I could not believe it was Ecow. He has really improved and i will attempt to catch his movies from time to time. For this i give him 3.3 out of 5 Stars.
Visual/ Audio/Fashion:
The visual was okay. It was not great, but it was not bad either. The Audio to me was bad. I had to always increase or reduce. My hand was on the volume contoller throughout the whole movie. The fashion was legit. It was kept classy and complimented the character's personality.
I believe that it was a great cast. I love Uche and Kalu together, so the Romance worked for me. Everyone in the movie knew how to act or at least had an idea of what acting was. so kudos to the casting Director.
The Romance:
The romance was beautiful: Not corny, not prolonged. I thought the romance was cute because of how they fell in love and the irony of falling in love. It was sweet, simple, and beautiful.
The Comedy:
I laughed a lot in this movie. Uche and Kalu were too much. The bickering, the fighting, the arguments had me rolling with laughter. Although the bickering got a little too much for me, it was still enjoyable.
The Drama:
The drama was basically realizing who they fell in love with. It was how they realized and the the struggle to give in to love. I loved was nice. While kalu and Uche are having drama. there is also drama between their friends. It was nice too
General Comments:
** Kalu's accent kept changing,but it was all that bad.
**The first scene we see Ecow, i did not hear a word he said.
**Princess Loveline's flipping of her weave, almost drove me crazy. Either you put it in a ponytail, get shorter weave, or know how to stand it down.
**In the movie, there is a scene where Ecow is live on t.v in Ghana, so how did he get back so fast to also catch a conversation with Princess Loveline. ( you will understand better after watching).
Memorable Quotes:
** "its really amazing how people can just wake up and attach titles to their names" - Uche
** " I swear you're an ass" - Uche
** 'you actually look good, if i was a girl i could be after you" - kalu
** ' i would lit you off that bath, and dry those lovely lovely boobs of yours"
"yes my breast are lovely"
"I will pour milk all over it and i will wait under your boobs with my mouth under it and wait for it to drip into my mouth" - Kalu and Uche phone sex conversation
( my comment: really milk? then he goes on to say how he will pour chocolate on her bottom and lick it all off. I was staring with my mouth wide open. Ewwwww)
** "This is a Big B*tch" - Ecow
( He meant to say beach but the way he pronounces it makes it seems like he caused. It was too funny. I was laughing too much)
Would I recommend it?
Overall the movie was a nice one, i found myself laughing a lot. Although, the prolonged scenes were a bit frustrating and i had to fast forward a few scenes. Sometimes, the audio was so poor that you could not understand what they were saying and other times it was to loud. Other than that, it had a nice script and lovely actors, i recommend it. Especially, if you need a laugh, or a movie to watch with friends.
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